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Understanding Common Signs Menopause Understanding Common Signs Menopause

Understanding Common Signs Menopause

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital 9 Min Read | 609

A woman’s life is a story of her going through many stages, which may sometimes be pleasant and sometimes full of challenges. Menopause is one such stage in every woman’s life that can be quite challenging for some due to the wide array of symptoms that it brings along. Although it marks the end of the fertility period in a woman’s life, it is extremely important as the female body undergoes various changes, typically hormonal, which may impact her life ahead.
In this blog, we have listed some common symptoms or signs of menopause you need to know about. Before starting, let’s try to understand what menopause means.

What is Menopause?

Menopause is a period in every woman’s life when she stops having her menstrual cycles due to the incapability of the ovaries to release eggs. This generally happens when a woman reaches her 40s or 50s. It is a biological process that is accompanied by a wide range of symptoms that may be experienced for years. Sometimes, it becomes important to seek medical intervention to make sure these symptoms do not interfere with the quality of your life. A lot of effective treatment options are available nowadays, that can help manage these symptoms to ensure that you smoothly sail through this stage of your life.

Is menopause always natural?

Contrary to what a lot of women think, menopause is not always natural. In some cases, a woman may have her menopause as a result of other factors, even before she reaches her 40s. This can be due to a surgical intervention that involves the removal of ovaries or an intense treatment like chemotherapy.

What are the different stages of menopause?

Menopause does not happen abruptly. It’s not like you wake up one day and realize you have stopped menstruating. The process is gradual and progresses through three different phases.
The longest of these phases is Perimenopause, or the transition phase. It can begin around 8 to 10 years before actual menopause and is marked by the slow decline in a woman’s estrogen levels. This is generally when you start experiencing symptoms like insomnia, hot flashes, sweating, vaginal dryness, and mood swings.
Then comes the menopause. This is said to happen when a woman has not menstruated for 12 months in a row. This typically happens when estrogen production has declined to the point that the ovaries are incapable of releasing eggs. This stage is generally characterized by hot flashes, anxiety and increased heart rate.
The last phase is postmenopause. During this stage, a lot of women tend to experience relief in symptoms. The depletion of estrogen levels increases the risks of certain health issues, calling for the need for extra care and regular check-ups.

Signs of menopause you need to know

Now that you have understood what menopause means and how it affects you, let’s learn about the various symptoms that are associated with it.

  • Irregularity in menstrual cycles: One of the most prevalent signs that suggests that you might be approaching menopause is irregular menstruation. You may notice an unusual change in the duration of your cycles or your flow.
  • Hot flashes and night sweats: Women in the perimenopausal stage are likely to sweat a lot, especially at night. Hot flashes, which are marked by intense heat surges, are also quite common.
  • Mood swings: During menopause, the hormonal balance of the body is disrupted, which also affects the hormones regulating your mood, giving rise to feelings of stress, anxiety and irritability.
  • Weight gain: Menopause may also impact your metabolism, affecting the composition of your body and making you gain more fat, especially around the abdomen.
  • Unusual changes in libido: The hormonal changes triggered by menopause can lead to significant changes in libido, leading to an increase or decrease in sexual desire.
  • Disrupted sleep cycle: Insomnia is a common problem that a lot of women complain of during their menopause phase. This is due to the disturbed hormonal balance.
  • Joint pain: Menopause is marked by a gradual decline in estrogen levels, which plays a vital role in maintaining optimal joint health. This is the reason why a lot of women tend to experience joint pain and discomfort as they approach menopause. The likelihood of developing joint problems like osteoarthritis also increases significantly after menopause.

If you wish to know more about menopause and how you can manage the symptoms associated with it, consult the best Gynecologists in Pune at Surya Hospital.

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