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5 Natural Remedies For Fertility Ovulation 5 Natural Remedies For Fertility Ovulation

5 Natural Remedies For Fertility Ovulation

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital 9 Min Read | 30971

Starting a family is a dream for most couples, however fertility can be an issue for many. Becoming a parent may seem like a challenge but you must know the challenge is more common than you thought. There are many couples out there who are trying as hard as you.

Luckily, there are a number of ways to increase your fertility in an absolutely natural way without making expensive visits to the doctor. Which is why we have put together a list of natural remedies to get pregnant fast just for you.

5 Best Natural Remedies to Get Pregnant Immediately – Fertility Ovulation

Explore the top five natural remedies to boost your fertility and enhance your chances of getting pregnant quickly.

1. Reduce caffeine intake and alcohol

Caffeine and alcohol, both if consumed in large quantities have been known to have a direct relationship with infertility. Some studies on caffeine intake suggest that moderate intake of caffeine may not have a direct impact on fertility. This means if you are unable to let go of caffeine completely, you may have no more than 1-2 cups of a caffeinated beverage a day. Similarly, moderate amounts of alcohol consumption did not show any direct relationship to fertility in studies conducted. Unfortunately, the studies have not suggested or defined the exact quantity of alcohol that would fall in the moderate category. Hence, experts suggest avoiding alcohol completely when you are trying to get pregnant.

2. Eat a heartier breakfast

Breakfast is without doubt the most important meal of the day. Having said that, it should also be the largest meal. Women who suffer from fertility issues may benefit by eating a hearty breakfast each day. A heavy breakfast is also known to improve the impact Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) induced hormones have on fertility. Studies show that consuming a larger portion of calories at breakfast, when compared to the rest of the day, can lower the levels of insulin and testosterone by half, both of which have been known to cause infertility in women. Women who eat a smaller dinner and a large breakfast have also shown to ovulate more than women who do the opposite. Remember to include high fat dairy in your breakfast to improve your chances of getting pregnant as it is a natural remedy to get pregnant fast.

3. Add supplements to your diet

Supplements can be sourced from natural foods or in the form of multivitamins. Women who consume multivitamins are more likely to be free from any sort of infertility issues. Micronutrients are very important for fertility health and can only be found in supplements. Folate is a special micronutrient that helps in getting pregnant and is available in special multivitamins for women. In addition to multivitamins some natural supplements are known to increase the rate of fertility. These include maca, bee pollen, bee propolis and Royal Jelly. However, the efficacy of natural supplements on humans are still not studied in depth, hence consult with your doctor before taking them.

4. Keep a track of your nutrients

In addition to natural supplements and multivitamins, keeping a track of what you eat is equally important. Your body needs natural nutrition just as much as it needs multivitamins and supplements. Antioxidants are known to improve the rate of fertility in both men as well as women. Folate and zinc can deactivate free radicals that often damage egg cells and sperms alike. Vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts are full of antioxidants and should be part of your daily diet. Trans Fats on the other hand must be avoided completely as they have a negative impact on insulin which can result in ovulatory infertility. This means fried and processed foods are a big no and must not enter your kitchen. Carb rich foods are also avoidable specially for women with PCOS. Lower levels of carbs in food will ensure that women menstruate on time and as a result increase your chance of getting pregnant. Both men and women must also ensure their body is getting sufficient quantities of fiber and iron, both of which are needed to improve overall fertility health.

5. Aim for a healthy lifestyle

With the stress of trying to get pregnant, couples tend to lose focus of their own physical and mental health. Leading an active lifestyle is very essential for physical wellbeing as well as peace of mind. A run in the morning in your local park, or an afternoon spent in cycling, or an evening game of tennis will not only keep your body moving, it will also keep your mind happy and release all the chemicals you need to feel content. Fresh air is food for your lungs and brain, and there is clearly no supplement for it.

Another major cause of infertility today is the stressful life that is led by both men and women. Having to juggle work, household chores, a social life and other familial and social obligations have resulted in new age couples feeling stressed and tired all the time. This lifestyle is affecting fertility health directly, which is why it is very important to feel relaxed. Book a spa appointment at least once a month or spend a weekend in the hills together without any electronic devices. A recharged soul and body are a fertile one.

A nourished mind and body is the key to getting closer to parenthood. With a few lifestyle changes, improved nutrition and 7-8 hours of sound and undisturbed sleep you can open the doors to a fertile ovary and make your family plans come true. Worrying about when it will happen and rushing things is not the solution. At the same time by switching to the natural remedies to get pregnant fast, you will clearly be moving in the right direction with added benefits to your own health. Lastly, do not let the romance die between you and your partner. Light those candles, bring out that special dress you have been saving for an event and enjoy romantic stress-free moments as much as you can.

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