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Immunization & Vaccination Immunization & Vaccination

Immunization & Vaccination

Comprehensive Vaccination & Immunization programs to shield your child’s present and future
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Immunization & Vaccination

We understand the importance of timely vaccination in kids and lay a lot of emphasis on the same. The Department of Pediatrics at the hospital offers a specialized Immunization & Vaccination program where we have experts who are committed to making sure that every child is getting vaccinated on time. With personalized immunization charts, we keep track of your child’s vaccinations, making sure they don’t miss their shots. 

In the battle against infectious diseases, immunization and vaccination are essential weapons that help to safeguard your little one's health in the long run. Make sure that you don't miss their dose with the help of our experts.
Surya Hospital

What is Immunization & Vaccination?

Immunization is the process of boosting a child's immunity to offer resistance against various infectious illnesses. This is done with the help of timely vaccination.

Vaccines train the immune system to identify and combat particular disease pathogens. It is a safe, yet highly effective preventive measure that enhances immune response.

In Pediatrics, Immunization and vaccination are essential because they shield kids from fatal and potentially debilitating illnesses by lowering their chance of getting sick.

How does Vaccination work?

The aim of getting your child vaccinated is to ward off the risks of serious illnesses by boosting their body’s natural defence mechanism.

These contain active components, called antigens, which detect and recognize the pathogens and trigger the production of specific antibodies that are required to fight them.

These also help your child to develop resistance to certain illnesses in future as the immune system learns and remembers to fight these.

When is the right time to get a child vaccinated?

Your little one will get their first dose right after birth and it follows throughout their developmental years. Immunization against different diseases requires different vaccinations. These are given from time to time, each after reaching a particular age. 

You will need to maintain a vaccination card to make sure that your little one is getting proper shots on time. Any delay in vaccination can give rise to serious complications, hence you need to work closely with our team and bring your little ones for their dose without a miss.

What diseases can be prevented with vaccination?

There is a wide spectrum of infectious diseases, the risks of which can be significantly alleviated by getting your little one vaccinated. These include:

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to give a child more than 1 vaccine at the same time?

Yes it may be safe in some cases, however, it is advisable to consult your child’s pediatrician to discuss the possibility of the same. 

Can vaccination cause side effects?

Yes, certain vaccinations do cause side effects like low-grade fever and soreness at the site if injection. However, there is nothing to worry about as these are common and temporary. 

Why is vaccination important for a child?

Vaccination is important for a child as it helps to lower the child’s susceptibility to serious diseases and illnesses.

Do vaccines offer lifelong protection against ?

Although not all, some vaccines do offer protection against serious diseases and illnesses for a lifetime. For others, you will need a booster dose from time to time. 

Can a child be vaccinated if they have a mild fever?

Having a mild fever is not generally a contradiction for many vaccinations, however, it is always better to discuss it with your child’s pediatrician.

Still have questions?

It is good to be curious when it comes to your health, but, it is equally important to put your curiosity to rest by seeking expert opinion. Have more questions related to your health?

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