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6 Postoperative Care Tips After Getting A Cesarean Section 6 Postoperative Care Tips After Getting A Cesarean Section

6 Postoperative Care Tips After Getting A Cesarean Section

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital 9 Min Read | 9110

If you have gone through a C-section delivery recently, you would have been advised by doctors to take extra care of yourself for the next couple of weeks. This is because mothers often experience pain and discomfort after childbirth through C-section. Your body has undergone significant abdominal surgery and it needs time to rest and recover from the process.

While the post-birth period can be both elating and anxiety-inducing, here are some things you can expect if you have just undergone a cesarean delivery:

A. Blood Clotting:

One of the major risk factors for getting a C-section is getting a blood clot in one’s leg. Although only overweight mothers are more prone to getting this, it’s always best to remain careful. If the mother is in a position to walk, they should ideally get up and walk as soon as possible.

B. Cramps:

The 24 hours following a C-section can be somewhat painful. Many women tend to experience cramps after delivery. This occurs because the uterus is shrinking back in size. These cramps may feel quite similar to the cramps that women experience during menstruation. However, post-birth cramps might be a little more intense.

C. Monitoring The Chances of Infection:

After cesarean delivery doctors usually monitor the C-section incision to look for signs of any kind of infection. The uterus sheds off whatever remains of the pregnancy even if you go for a C-section. So, for the next weeks, mothers experience vaginal bleeding which is the heaviest in the first few days.

6 Postoperative Care Tips After Getting A Cesarean Section

The short term effects of getting a C-section usually recover in the span of a few days to a couple of weeks. However, the long term well-being of mothers takes time and patience. Several women struggle with persistent pain and discomfort for even as long as many months after delivery. While others have to deal with urinary incontinence as their pelvic floor muscles have been weakened.

Some ways in which people can ensure a safe and swift recovery after C-section childbirth are:

1. Getting sufficient amount of rest:

Rest is crucial for recovering from any kind of surgery. However, as parents of an infant, it can be difficult to get proper rest without some work or immediate concern interrupting your sleep. Newborn babies have irregular sleep patterns, and they may only sleep for an hour or two at a stretch. The parents of an infant should try and get rest whenever the baby falls asleep or even reach out to family members for help just so that they can get some catch a few hours’ sleep.

Having a baby in the house involves visits from friends and family to see the newborn. While this can be something that parents feel obliged to give time to, they should also prioritise their health. Proper rest is the first step to getting the time and space that your body needs to recover from childbirth. Therefore, it is important that mothers feel free to get sufficient sleep despite there being other things that may require their attention.

2. Reaching out for help:

Attending to an infant can be an overwhelming experience. But it can be even more difficult to look after your baby’s needs when you have just gone through major surgery. Thus, new parents must know that it is okay to ask for help. It can take a while to figure out how to manage things alone. Until then, parents should ask family or friends to help out with watching the baby or preparing the food. This can also enable mothers to get that much-needed rest.

3. Dealing with your emotions:

Giving birth to a child is like getting on an emotional rollercoaster. There are several new emotions as well as lifestyle changes that can make this new phase of life a difficult one. Transitioning to motherhood can even involve feelings of guilt and insecurity, especially for mothers who experience difficult deliveries.

It can useful to consult a therapist or speak to your loved ones about what you are going through. There are several support groups for women going through postpartum depression which can help mothers share their experience and realize that they are not alone in this struggle.

4. Going for regular walks:

During the early weeks after C-section, it is advisable to not lift weights or engage in intense workouts. But walking can be a great alternative to these and help mothers remain fit. Regular walking is considered to reduce the risk of heart-related issues as well as the occurrence of blood clots. Moreover, it can be great for your mental health and help you have some stress-free time where you can focus on yourself.

5. Managing the pain:

You don’t have to struggle with pain and discomfort while also figuring out new parenting. Parents can consult doctors for getting a prescription of pain relievers that can make this new phase of life easier.

6. Dealing with constipation:

There are several reasons why new mothers struggle with constipation. Going through hormonal changes, weakened muscles of the stomach and spending too much time in a lying position are some of them. Not only is constipation painful but the strain resulting from it can harm the cesarean incision. Some ways in which you can deal with this is drinking lots of water and consulting the doctor about having a stool softener.

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