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Best Neonatal Care Hospital in Pune - Surya Hospitals Pune Best Neonatal Care Hospital in Pune - Surya Hospitals Pune

Best Neonatal Care Hospital in Pune - Surya Hospitals Pune

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital 9 Min Read | 3862

NICU Baby Care

Premature birth of babies or babies with certain health complications require specialized care or treatment. As these babies are often vulnerable to the external environment, hence, a special environment is created for them and doctors to monitor. These special chambers are called NICU. A NICU makes sure that your baby is monitored at all times and is completely safe.

What is NICU?

NICU stands for newborn intensive care unit. This can be called a chamber or a nursery in Best Neonatal Hospital in Pune that provides around-the-clock care to premature or sick babies. The doctors and nurses in the NICU are specially trained with years of expertise in providing the best care to newborns.

The NICU Care Hospital Pune ensures complete safety to the newborns by providing a favourable environment for the babies in the form of a heated open cot or a covered incubator that keeps their body temperature under check. Depending on the type of medical support, the NICU is also equipped with:

1. Ventilators to manage the breathing
2. Monitors to measure heart rate, breathing, and the amount of oxygen in the blood
3. Machines to provide measured amounts of medicines and fluids to the babies
4. Cooling beds to reduce brain injury in babies with serious birth complications

The doctors, nurses, and technicians are available 24×7 for the babies to provide emergency support. The diagnostic machines in the NICU include:

1. X-rays and ultrasound
2. Machines to monitor brain function
3. Echo-cardiogram

The entire environment of the NICU is lightly dimmed and quiet. There are taps and antibacterial hand gel dispensers to wash hands before reaching the babies. The quiet environment readily turns alarming even if a single baby is in danger.

Why Your Baby Needs a NICU?

While it must be difficult for you to keep your baby in the NICU, yet it is crucial to help the baby recover and survive. The health conditions that may put your baby into the NICU include:

1. Anaemia
2. Trouble breathing
3. Apnea
4. Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborns (PPHN)
5. Pneumonia
6. Respiratory distress syndrome
7. Heart valve abnormalities
8. Bradycardia
9. Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
10. Defects in the heart septum
11. Hypoglycaemia
12. Intraventricular haemorrhage
13. Jaundice
14. Sepsis
15. Retinopathy of prematurity
16. Maintaining body temperature

What to Expect When Your Baby is in NICU?

NICU is developed keeping all the needs of your baby in mind. Right from monitoring the vitals to providing proper treatment, it plays a crucial role in strengthening the health of a baby. However, having your baby in the NICU can be an overwhelming experience. Parents need to take care of themselves in this crucial phase so that they can take good care of the baby.

Although frequent visits to the NICU are not allowed, yet parents can make sure to consult with a doctor and understand the progress of the situation. They can also talk to a counsellor from the NICU staff to deal with anxiety or stress caused by the NICU stay.

Overall, the NICU’s are the safest place for a premature or sick baby to help them survive. It ensures that the baby is strong enough and well treated to survive. The constant care, attention, and support of the NICU staff ensure that your baby is in the healthiest condition.

NICU at Surya Hospital

Being a pioneer in women’s health, we are the Best Neonatal Hospital in Pune offering state-of-the-art level III NICU. Our 24×7 facility provides the best care to the most critical cases and ensures that your baby is in the safest hands. We provide:
1. Round the clock monitoring facilities
2. Advanced incubators
3.V entilators
4. Phototherapy units
5. Baby warmers

Our expert staff of doctors, trained nurses and technicians make sure that we provide the highest level of care to the babies. With round the clock coverage by a neonatologist and a nurse trained in neonatal care, we provide dedicated treatment and care to the little ones.

Having your baby in the NICU can be difficult to deal with. It can put you under immense stress to be unable to check on the baby. However, expert doctors and trained nurses work round the clock to make sure your baby is fit to cope up with the external environment. The team at NICU is completely dedicated to providing the best care to the baby. Hence, you can be rest assured that your baby is in safe hands.

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