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A Guide to Healthy Eating During Pregnancy A Guide to Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

A Guide to Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital 9 Min Read | 831

The 9 months of pregnancy are very special for all moms-to-be, with every journey being extraordinary and unique. It is a period of joy and learning when every day teaches you something new. During this time the female body undergoes many changes, and there can be a roller coaster of emotions, sometimes blissful and sometimes overwhelming. These 9 months are surely beautiful, but not always easy and the best way to deal with it is by prioritizing your health, well-being and nutritional intake. This blog is your guide to ensuring that you eat healthy for a sound pregnancy as we have listed some really effective tips to help you do it the right way. Continue reading to learn more.

Focus On Eating Healthy

When it comes to the diet you have to focus on eating adequately and making sure your diet is back with all the essential nutrients. No doubt you have to eat for yourself and the baby, but this does not mean that you have to force-feed yourself. In fact, you will not need to eat any extra food during the initial 6 months of your pregnancy. It is also important to make sure that you are not missing out on any important nutrients that are needed by you and the growing fetus. You will get a lot of suggestions and tips related to your diet from friends and family, however, it is always advisable to consult a specialist before planning a proper pregnancy diet program, especially if it is your first pregnancy. 

You need to make sure that your calorie intake is somewhere around 2000 calories per day and you should get most of these from protein. Your plate should be balanced with the right servings of fruits, grains and vegetables. Many women wonder if they can take cereals or not. The answer is Yes, you can. If you are non-vegetarian you can also take seafood but make sure that you choose only those items that have very low Mercury content.

No matter how lean you used to be, every woman tends to put on some amount of weight during pregnancy and you should not be worried about it. Even if you are overweight or obese, you need to make sure that you are taking enough food during your pregnancy and not depriving yourself or the fetus of proper nutrition. However, stick to healthy food choices as you should not gain more weight than what is natural during the pregnancy.

Tips That Will Help You in the Long Run

Here are a few tips that are going to help you ensure that you are eating healthily, during the 9 months of your pregnancy:

  • You do not need to force yourself to eat more than your capacity even if you are carrying more than one baby. 
  • Do not stick to the same diet every day and keep on experimenting with healthy foods. 
  • It as many fruits and vegetables to get ample amounts of fiber, vitamins and minerals
  • Try to add healthy carbs to your diet by taking star cheap foods like potatoes, millet, oats, wholewheat bread, brown rice etc
  • Add foods like beans, pulses, fish, eggs and nuts to your diet to get the protein you need. 
  • Take milk and other dairy products to make up for your daily calcium needs, however, stick to the low-fat options. 
  • Avoid foods that are loaded with fats and sugar, such as chocolates, sweets, bakery items and cold drinks. 

Make Supplements Your Best Friend

Taking supplements is not only important for pregnant women, but also for those who are planning for a family. We all know that it is important to maintain a balance of all the nutritional components during those 9 months and it can be quite challenging to maintain that balance with your diet alone. You don't need to eat for two but you surely need to eat enough to support a healthy pregnancy. Common nutrition that are needed by women during pregnancy include:

  • Calcium and Vitamin D to support the growth and development of the baby's bones. Most women do not need to take extra supplements and get all the calcium they need from their diet.
  • However, supplements may be needed for Vitamin D to ensure a regular intake of 400 to 500 IU. 
  • Folates, to lower down the risks of neural tube defects in babies, such as spina bifida. Generally, women need to take about 0.5 mg of Folic acid supplements for the first 3 months of pregnancy.
  • For women with existing health issues like obesity, diabetes and a family history of neural tube defects, around 5mg of supplements may be recommended. 
  • Omega 3 supports the development of the baby's brain, nervous system and eyes. Taking Omega 3 supplements during pregnancy is also important because it helps in the production of essential hormones like prostaglandin, which are responsible for regulating blood pressure, clotting, kidney function and various other crucial tasks. 
  • Protein, to help in the production and regeneration of tissues in the body. Pregnant women need to take around 46 grams of protein per day during the 1 trimester of the pregnancy and 71 grams of protein during the second and third trimester, as per the recommended dietary allowance.
  • Iodine, to support the growth and development of the baby's brain and nervous system. During pregnancy, you are recommended to take around 150 mcg of iodine supplement per day. You also need to continue this while you are breastfeeding. 
  • Iron to ensure enough blood production to support the healthy growth of the baby and lower the risks of anemia, which can otherwise lead to complications during childbirth. Your body will need more iron during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and this is generally when iron supplements are recommended. 

To know more about eating healthy during pregnancy, consult the experts from the best hospital in India


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