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What are the best strategies for weight management in kids? What are the best strategies for weight management in kids?

What are the best strategies for weight management in kids?

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital 9 Min Read | 703

The increasing prevalence of childhood obesity, all across the globe, has become a great concern for parents, especially because it has been associated with many diseases and potential health complications. Inculcating effective weight management strategies in their daily routine from the very beginning can help them manage the problem and keep their weight under control. In this blog, we have enlisted some such strategies, by the experts from the best hospital in India. Continue reading to learn more.

Understanding Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is a serious medical problem that many parents consider to be completely normal believing that their little one will naturally lose the extra pounds after hitting puberty. Unfortunately, this is not true. In fact, top experts from India suggest that promoting healthy weight from a very young age is very important to ensure sound growth and development of kids in the long run. 

There is no particular number that defines whether your child is obese or not. It all depends on the child's BMI (body mass index), which varies from one child to another, based on the child's age and height. The best hospitals in India offer well-child care programs in which the body mass index of a child is calculated during the different stages of growth, to keep track of their weight. 

Dynamics of Childhood Obesity and the Role of Parents

To curb childhood obesity, it is important to understand the dynamics behind it - more eating and less activity. Being parents you would always want the best for your little one. However, being a parent is not an easy task and sometimes it can be hard to differentiate between what you think is best for your little one and what is actually best for them. For instance, the habit of overheating develops when your child is very little and this is probably because of the habit of overfeeding. Gradually, the child tends to develop an appetite that is larger than what they should have.
Also, a lot of parents think that it is better for the child to play indoors than go out, and this limits their daily activity levels. You need to understand that if your little one is taking in a good amount of calories and not indulging in physical activities to burn the same, these tend to build up in the body and get stored in the form of body fat. 

Curbing Childhood Obesity

Worried about your child's weight and wondering how you can help them get rid of it? Here are some effective tips that can help you:

  • Make sure that your child's plate is well balanced, and by this, we mean that your child's plate should have a proper balance of fruits, vegetables, grains and other food items. It should be a mix of all the essential nutrients that support your child's growth and development without making them gain unhealthy weight. 
  • Focus on portion control. Giving your little one an extra serving of food may seem like a way of showing love, but it is not. It is important to make sure that you are not force-feeding your little one and the serving is not large for them.
  • Avoid cold drinks and beverages. Maybe not all but children generally love drinking packed juice and cold drinks, however, these are very harmful as they are loaded with sugar, which is known to promote obesity. Hence it is advisable to make your little one drink fresh juices and shakes prepared at home. 
  • Try to develop a routine for eating. Just like adults, eating at regular intervals is also important for kids but doing this too frequently can lead to obesity. It is important to establish proper meal times for breakfast, lunch, evening tea, dinner and snacks, to maintain discipline. 
  • Encourage your child to indulge in physical activities. Whether it's at home or at school, make your little one participate in sports and other activities that will keep them on their feet and help them burn more calories. 
  • Limit screen time. Owing to the easy access to television, laptop, and mobile, children really prefer to go out and play. It is important to make your child understand the harmful impact of excessive screen time and how it not only affects their eyes but also contributes to obesity. 
  • Maintain a proper bedtime routine. Early to bed and early to rise can make your little one healthy and wise. If your child tends to stay up late, they are likely to feel hungry and develop a habit of nighttime snacking which is a significant contributor to obesity.
  • Try experimenting with healthy food. The reason why children often choose junk food or fast food rather than home-cooked meals is that they tend to get bored of the same flavors. Make the best use of your cooking skills by inventing new healthy dishes every day. You can also find such recipes online. 
  • Let your little one accompany you in the kitchen. When you are preparing their meals, ask your child to accompany you and encourage their participation. Help them learn about the nutritional benefits of the food that you are using for preparing their meals. This will help the child understand how the food is going to benefit them and their weight. 
  • Do not force your child to diet. Rather make healthy changes in their diet in a very friendly way. Forced weight loss may negatively impact your child's psychological well-being and make them lose confidence. 
  • Be a role model for your kids and set an example. If they see you eating unhealthy stuff, they are surely going to follow the same. You, being a parent need to follow what you preach to help your little one develop healthy eating habits. 

If you have any more questions related to wait management in kids, consult the experts from the best hospital in India, today. 

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