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Explore the Best NICU Center in Jaipur Explore the Best NICU Center in Jaipur

Explore the Best NICU Center in Jaipur

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital 9 Min Read | 856

Parents always look forward to the arrival of their new baby, but there is always that chance that their newborn will have certain complications that would require the attention of specialists. It is at this time that a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit also known as NICU is employed. A NICU is a connotation of a critical care unit, which is embraced with modern medical equipment and technically trained healthcare officers for the proper and precise care of premature or sick newborns. In this blog, if you live in Jaipur and looking for the NICU for your baby, then you must read this blog where we enlisted the necessary factors to consider.

Why Do You Need A NICU Care Centre?

A NICU is indispensable for newborns facing various health complications, including

  • Prematurity: Preterm infants are at risk of developing hypothermia, hypoglycemia, apnea of prematurity, and many more complications that need to be addressed in this body.
  • Low birth weight: Newborns that are born prematurely or are low birth weight babies, those below 2500 grams or 5 pounds, 8 ounces may require help in breathing, feeding, and their growth.
  • Birth defects: The defects that develop in the fetus can cause it to require urgent attention and special medical care.
  • Respiratory distress syndrome: This condition affects premature babies and consists of breathing disorders.
  • Infection: Newborns are prone to infections and in most cases, the infection is perhaps fatal.
  • Jaundice: An illness in which the skin and eyes become jaundiced, and, thus, needs medical attention to be managed.

This and other major health problems that often affect neonates are well handled in a NICU in a controlled environment with constant monitoring and specialized care throughout.

Equipments In The NICU Care Centre

It has been established that to give the best possible attention to these infants, a fully stocked NICU is mandatory. Key equipment includes:

  • Ventilators: For use in helping the infant breathe for those that have respiratory complications.
  • Oxygen concentrators: To periodically or as required take blood samples for oxygen supply.
  • CPAP machines: To give Positive Pressure Ventilation and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure to facilitate controlled breathing.
  • Warming beds: To keep premature babies warm as a way of supporting their thermoregulation.
  • Infant incubators: To ensure that newborns are healthy and protected from infection, the following reasons apply:
  • Monitoring equipment: To monitor the clients’ heart rate, blood pressure as well as oxygen levels in the blood.
  • Feeding tubes: For babies who cannot take food orally.
  • Phototherapy lights: For managing icterus, also commonly termed as jaundice.
  • X-ray and ultrasound machines: Diagnostic type of user requirements as some users may require diagnostics of their disease and thus need to know the symptoms of various diseases.

Procedures Offered In Child Care Hospital

NICUs offer a range of treatments and procedures, including:

  • Respiratory therapy: To aid in respiration and to avoid infections in the lungs.
  • Surfactant therapy: Pulmonary disorders in premiere babies.
  • Intravenous fluids: To deliver some of the nutrients and medication that may be required by the patient.
  • Blood transfusions: anemia, Sickle cell anemia, Leukemia or any other blood disease may lead to low RBC levels and hence the need to manage them.
  • Exchange transfusions: The donor blood can be used in the treatment of severe Jaundice especially when the condition has arisen due to liver ailment.
  • Surgery: For conditions that need surgery or operation to be carried out as the main therapy.
  • Pain management: For the comfort and ease of the patient to reduce the level of stress that they experience.
  • Developmental care: To supplement the baby/child's growth and development.

Factors to Consider For Choosing The Right Neonatal Care Hospital

Choosing the appropriate NICU for your child is one of the important decisions.Some of the aspects to consider in determining a good neonatal care hospital are listed below:

  • Level of care: These NICUs are categorized based on the levels of care they offer to newborn babies. Make certain that the NICU provision meets your baby’s requirements.
  • Expertise: To enhance the staff quality of the NICU, it is advisable to seek the services of a qualified neonatologist and specialized personnel.
  • Technology: Sophisticated devices and tools are necessary for the newborn since they will facilitate conservative treatment.
  • Infection control: Strict infection control measures have to be maintained in order not to compromise the health of your newborn child.
  • Family-centered care: The choice is in a supportive environment that must encompass parents in the care process.
  • Location: One might also consider the geographical location of the NICU since he/she has to be accessing it often.
  • Cost: Nevertheless, cost should not be the main criteria here; however, insurance reimbursement and direct payments should be taken into account.You can check with the hospital whether the treatment of your baby in NICU is covered under the insurance. 

Neonatal Care Hospital In Jaipur

This makes Surya Hospitals a ray of hope for vulnerable newborn babies that need neonatal care hospital in Jaipur. Having an Ultra-modern Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), the hospital fosters proper care of premature or neonatal sick babies.

Neonatologists, neonatal nurses, and our staff enable the best care for these small patients and the additional issues they struggle with.

One of the most significant stabilizing principles in our NICU is our firmly embedded and widely practiced patient focus. This phase is normally a stressful period for parents, so we ensure that we maintain a friendly environment where parents can freely discuss with us without feeling intimidated. The team works 24/7 to offer medical assistance, comfort, and advice to the families and patients of the hospital.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Which is the best NICU center in Jaipur? 
A: If you  are looking for the best NICU center in Jaipur, Surya Hospital comes as the first choice in providing quality care to your newborn.

Q2. What is a NICU?
A: Among the key units of a hospital, there is a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit abbreviated as NICU, which is technologically, and medically designed to accommodate premature and sick newborns.

Q3. When is NICU needed for my baby?
A: Some of the common indications that can make a baby go to NICU include; prematurity, low birth weight, birth defects, respiratory distress, infections, and jaundice.

Q4. What type of health services are rendered by Surya Hospitals’ NICU?
A: Surya Hospital NICU services include premature babies, low birth weight, respiratory diseases, infections, congenital heart diseases, and many more complications. This facility is strictly under the compassionate care of skilled neonatologists and experienced nurses on 24-hour duty.

Q5. What is the nurse-to-baby ratio in the NICU at Surya Hospitals?
A: We have the best standards of care for the babies which include a proper nurse-to-baby ratio to ensure that each baby gets close and personal attention.

Q6. Are parents allowed to visit their children or do they have some sort of visiting time?
A: Parents are welcome to be involved in taking care of their babies As much as possible. The visiting hours are very flexible and parents will be accorded a comfortable and supportive environment.

Q7. Do you still get to hold and feed your baby if they are admitted to the NICU?
A: Absolutely! Skin-to-skin contact also known as kangaroo care is recommended since it assists with mother-baby bonding and is also beneficial in different ways to both mom and baby.

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