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Working Women and Infertility-Specialist in Mumbai Working Women and Infertility-Specialist in Mumbai

Working Women and Infertility-Specialist in Mumbai

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital 9 Min Read | 598

Infertility is defined as an inability to produce a child. Over the past few decades, it has become one of the major problems among women. According to estimations, every 1 in 6 couples today come across the problem of infertility. The Best Infertility Specialist in Mumbai believes that the surge in the number of infertilities is due to a change in the lifestyle and habits, specifically of working women. While work plays a vital role in the life of a woman, it can also cause undesirable outcomes. Before understanding the link between work, women, and infertility, let us understand what causes infertility in the first place.

Causes of Infertility in Women

Several factors may cause infertility in women, such as:

  • Ovulation disorder.
  • Damage to the fallopian tube.
  • Endometriosis
  • Vaginal polyps or tumours.
  • Cervical stenosis.

Infertility in women is a result of a combination of factors both physiological and psychological. The physiological factors mentioned above which include a pre-existing medical condition or a disease along with psychological burden such as stress can lead to infertility.

Stress and Infertility

The modern lifestyle is all about keeping up the pace. This fast pace of life has turned stress into a constant companion. The stress of matching up with others, increasing workload, and irregular working hours result in mental and physical exhaustion. The exhausted mind and body cause several health problems and affect the reproductive system of both men and women. However, the damage is more pronounced in women than men.

Working Women and Infertility

The Best IVF center in Mumbai sees a surge in infertilities among working women. Several studies have been conducted to understand the link between work, women, and infertility. The studies demonstrated the following:

  1. The responsibilities of women have multiplied over time which subjects them to increased levels of mental stress.
  2. Working women tend to put extreme mental pressure on themselves to match the timelines or over-work which leads to physical stress.
  3. The higher level of stress results in hormonal change and causes a decline in the levels of oestrogen.
  4. Working women who tend to lift heavier objects at work are at greater risk of lowering their egg count due to physical overload.
  5. Women working in rotational or night shifts are also at greater risk of lowering their egg count due to changes in the biological clock.
  6. Working women have an added pressure of managing personal and professional life which begets health complications and negatively impacts the reproductive system.

Working tirelessly throughout the day also imply inadequate nutrition which adds up to the entire scenario. Furthermore, lack of exercise, weight gain, or obesity compounds the problem of infertility.

How Can Infertility Be Managed?

If you consult a best fertility specialist near you, the doctor would suggest some simple steps to manage the problems faced by working women. This includes:

  1. Avoid stress specifically physical stress.
  2. Take some time off from work to manage stress levels.
  3. Follow a healthy and balanced diet.
  4. Develop a workout routine or yoga.
  5. Do not make any changes in the routine.
  6. Avoid overworking.

Working women in today’s time go out of their ways to manage life at work and personal front. To strike a balance between both, they tend to put extra stress on themselves by either over-working or changing their routine. All of these excessive pressures result in infertility. Hence, working women are required to take additional steps to take care of themselves and avoid health complications.

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