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Painless Normal Delivery in Pune, Mumbai, and Jaipur Painless Normal Delivery in Pune, Mumbai, and Jaipur

Painless Normal Delivery in Pune, Mumbai, and Jaipur

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital 9 Min Read | 860

Fear of childbirth (FOC) is a major issue for women because it causes them to avoid getting pregnant, puts stress on both the mother and the fetus, and increases the number of cesarean section requests from mothers. Due to uterine contractions, repeated vaginal exams, and vaginal lacerations, a normal vaginal birth is an uncomfortable experience for women. Most women experience excruciating pain during childbirth. Generalized neuroendocrine stress responses, such as elevated oxygen consumption, breathing heavily, elevated heart rate, impaired uterine contractility, metabolic disturbance, and elevated maternal-fetal death and disability, are brought on by the perceived pain experience during labor. Thus, a variety of techniques for managing labor pain, known as "painless childbirth methods," were developed and put into practice recently.

Fear of labor pain can cause women to change their preferred delivery method, and this is a major contributing factor to the recent rise in the number of elective cesarean sections performed. Research indicates that women who have FOC during childbirth require more analgesics than women who do not have FOC.

Medical techniques for painless childbirth include regional anesthesia, pudendal block, paracervical block, and systemic analgesia; other techniques include acupuncture, relaxation & focus techniques , and the psychoprophylactic method.

By injecting anesthetics close to the spinal nerves, epidural analgesia prevents lower body pain during childbirth is the common method for painless normal delivery in Pune, Mumbai, and Jaipur. Many women find that this method makes childbirth much less painful, allowing for a painless and normal delivery. It makes childbirth more comfortable by enabling them to remain awake and aware while reducing discomfort.

Let’s know more about the best destinations for painless normal delivery in Mumbai, Pune, and Jaipur.

What is a Painless Normal Delivery?

When the time comes to give birth, some women bring a thorough birth plan to the hospital along with a request to forego epidural anesthesia. Some believe that the only way to get through labor is with an epidural. Many women give birth using epidurals, which are the most popular and efficient kind of anesthetic for reducing pain during labor.

An epidural is a numbing medication administered to a woman's lower back through the use of a catheter, a tiny, flexible tube, and a needle. The catheter is left in place to continue delivering pain relief as needed during labor even after the needle has been removed.

Usually, the medications are used in low concentrations and remain in the spinal space. The mother only absorbs a tiny quantity into her bloodstream. As a result, the infant is safe, and the mother won't suffer from the usual opioid side effects, like fatigue, that arise from taking or receiving an opioid intravenously.

In order to prevent pain signals from reaching your brain from your spine, an anesthetic is injected into the epidural space surrounding your spine during an epidural anesthesia injection. Your spinal cord is surrounded by a fluid-filled area called the epidural space. Imagine it as if your spinal cord were enveloped in a liquid sleeve. The temporary numbness caused by an epidural anesthetic blocks pain signals in a specific area of your body, depending on where in your spine the epidural was injected. Temporary complete loss of feeling or temporary pain relief are both achievable with epidural anesthesia.

Advantages of Painless Normal Delivery

Following are the advantages of painless normal delivery:

  • Lower rate of elective C-section delivery
  • Higher rate of natural deliveries with lesser pain experience
  • Lower risk of developing postpartum complication
  • Rapid recovery rate
  • Lesser anxiety and fear of childbirth (FOC)
  • Fewer interventions needed
  • Reduced risk of pelvic floor trauma

Risks of Painless Normal Delivery

Although epidural delivery is safe to a great extent, there is risk of few complications associated with it. Following are certain risks associated with painless normal delivery: 

  • Low blood pressure reduces blood oxygen levels.
  • Post-dural puncture headache
  • Back discomfort
  • Temporary numbness and decreased mobility
  • Difficulty in urinating
  • Increased risk of infections and allergic reactions
  • Variations in fetal heart rate
  • Prolonged labor duration

Recovery After Painless Normal Delivery

Recovery from vaginal delivery, also known as postpartum recovery, requires time. While many women feel mostly recovered after 6-8 weeks, some women don't feel like their pre-pregnancy selves again for several months. Following are the complications one may face while recovering from vaginal recovery: 

  • Vaginal Soreness
  • Prolonged vaginal bleeding
  • Cramps
  • Constipation diarrhea
  • Difficulty in urination
  • Breast pain
  • Hain & skin changes


An epidural can provide immediate pain relief or a momentary loss of sensation. Epidurals are a common, reliable, and generally safe procedure. Asking questions of your doctor about an epidural is a good idea if you're feeling nervous about the prospect of getting one. They can respond to any inquiries you might have.

With techniques like epidural analgesia based painless normal delivery which can be availed in Jaipur, Mumbai, and Pune offers a significantly better childbirth experience by lowering labor pain. Prominent medical facilities in these cities offer cutting edge setups and highly qualified staff to guarantee comfortable and safe deliveries. This strategy guarantees a quicker recovery and fewer complications after childbirth by encouraging natural births with little pain. It also lowers the rate of elective C-sections. Better outcomes for mother and child can result from moms who remain active and at ease during labor. For expectant mothers in these big cities, painless normal delivery is an enticing option because of these benefits.

Choose Surya Hospital if you are looking for expert painless normal delivery in Jaipur, Mumbai, and Pune. Book your consultation now!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How is it possible to have painless normal delivery?

A: With epidural anesthesia technique, it is possible to have painless normal delivery and better outcomes.

Q2: Can I have painless normal delivery in Pune?

A: Yes, it is possible to have painless normal delivery in Pune. Choose Surya Hospital for the best painless normal delivery.

Q3: Which is the best hospital for painless delivery?

A: Surya Hospital with its cutting edge facilities and best infrastructure is among the best hospitals for painless delivery.

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