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What are the Kidney Disease Symptoms in Children What are the Kidney Disease Symptoms in Children

What are the Kidney Disease Symptoms in Children

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital 9 Min Read | 956

Just like adults, kids too can develop a variety of diseases and ailments that can affect their kidneys. However, kidney diseases are not as common in children and a majority of these are congenital, i.e. present since birth. These can manifest in various ways, giving rise to varied symptoms. Experts from Surya Hospital Mumbai suggest that some children may present with very few symptoms while others might not experience any symptoms during the early stage of the disease. 
Being parents you need to watch out for any symptom that may suggest that your little one's kidneys might not be functioning well and bring it to the notice of an expert for proper evaluation and treatment. This is possible only if you learn about various kidney disease symptoms in kids. In this blog, we have elaborated on some such symptoms, with the help of the experts from the best hospital in Mumbai. Continue reading this blog to learn more. 

  • Problems related to urination:

  • The most prominent symptoms of kidney problems in kids, as well as adults, are usually related to urination. Children with kidney diseases often feel the need to go to the washroom quite often and do not have control over their urination. This means urine frequency is on the higher side. The child may also complain of pain or a burning sensation while urinating. If your child previously didn't have a habit of bed-wetting and has developed it lately, it too could be a sign of kidney disease. 
  • Traces of blood in the urine:

  • Normally, urine does not contain any red blood cells as the kidneys simply filter out the wastes and excess fluids, which are then passed out of the body. However, if the child’s kidneys are not functioning well, they are not able to prevent blood cells from entering the urine, as a result, the child’s urine appears to be pinkish. The condition is commonly referred to as hematuria, and it is often associated with problems like glomerulonephritis and kidney infection.
  • Swelling in the hands and feet:

  • Commonly referred to as Edema, the condition is caused by severe damage to the tiny filtering units of the kidneys, i.e. the nephrons, which are responsible for filtering excess fluids and wastes from the blood. When the nephrons are not functioning properly, it can lead to the build-up of fluids in the body, resulting in swelling. Edema commonly affects the hands and feet, but may also be seen in the face and around the eyes. 
  • Getting tired too easily:

  • Kids with kidney diseases are quite likely to present with fatigue and weakness. This can be due to many factors, one of which is increased levels of toxins in the blood, that build up owing to the inability of the kidneys to get rid of them. Another contributing factor is anaemia. When a child’s kidneys are not working right, they are not able to produce erythropoietin, resulting in a significant decrease in the blood cells. The problem may manifest early and worsen with the progress of the disease. 
  • Itching and skin irritation:

While problems like itching and skin irritation are usually believed to be a result of a skin condition, it is pertinent to understand that these can also be linked to an underlying kidney disease. A child may develop dryness, skin lesions, rashes, redness and itching due to the accumulation of toxins and wastes in the body as a result of the disrupted renal function. The symptoms, however, are seen during the advanced stage of kidney disease. 

If your child is presenting with any of the above-mentioned symptoms, it is advisable to see an expert and go for a proper evaluation. Timely medical intervention can not only help to manage the disease effectively but also pave the way for a healthier future for your little one. You can conserve the experts from Surya Hospital Mumbai for the best care and guidance. 

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