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Signs and symptoms of Gall bladder stone Signs and symptoms of Gall bladder stone

Signs and symptoms of Gall bladder stone

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital

Surya Hospital 9 Min Read | 680

Gallbladder stones, also known as gallstones, cholelithiasis or biliary calculi, are more common than you think and in the majority of cases, these might not produce any symptoms at all. For those who have been experiencing symptoms that interfere with the quality of life, the common treatment option is surgical removal of the gallbladder. Reading this blog will help you understand more about the gallbladder and the various signs & symptoms that you need to watch out for. 


What Are Gallbladder Stones?

Gallstones, or gallbladder stones are hardened deposits of solid substances found within the bile, an important digestive fluid made by the liver that is stored within the gallbladder. The latter is a tiny organ found in the abdominal cavity, just below the liver. These are mainly composed of calcium salts, cholesterol and bile pigment. The stones can form within the gallbladder, as well as the bile ducts and are more common in women as compared to men. Although these are not always a cause of concern, they can sometimes get stuck in the biliary tract, leading to obstruction that disrupts the normal flow of bile.

Getting Familiar With the 6 Common Signs

It is pertinent to note that gallbladder stones can grow in size and although this happens at a very slow pace, smaller stones can eventually grow big enough to block the bile tract. As such, it is important to seek proper medical care and get the problem addressed at the earliest. Here are 5 common signs & symptoms of gallbladder stones that you need to watch out for.

  • Abdominal pain & discomfort: The abdominal pain that one experiences due to gallstones is commonly known as biliary colic and it happens to be one of the most common symptoms associated with the condition. The pain is triggered when the gallstones obstruct the duodenum. This can last for 30 minutes or more and one may not find relief even after taking meds. 
  • Nausea and vomiting: People with gallstones often experience nausea and vomiting, especially after they eat something. This generally happens when the problem has progressed, resulting in other complications like appendicitis. The problem can persist for a couple of hours. 
  • Unexplained weight loss: Losing pounds without making any efforts may seem like a dream for some, however, this is often linked to an underlying disease or ailment, like gallbladder stones. It is pertinent to note that these do not directly cause weight loss, but may influence factors that can lead to it like the inability to digest food. 
  • Persistent Fever: Gallstones can lead to an increase in the normal body temperature. Most people tend to have a low-grade temperature, accompanied by other symptoms like chills and sweating. If you are experiencing the problem persistently, it is advisable to see a doctor
  • Jaundice:  This is another common symptom associated with gallbladder stones and is characterized by a change in the tone of the skin to a yellowish colour. The symptom is usually triggered when one is experiencing problems related to the liver or bile duct. 

How Would you know if Your Pain is Associated with Gallbladder Stones?

Pain associated with gallbladder stones has a sudden onset and can be unbearable at times. This is commonly referred to as a gallstone attack and it tends to aggravate when you eat something. This is possibly due to the increased pressure on the digestive tract, which involves the biliary system as well. 

In some cases, the pain worsens and reaches a peak point, after which it becomes fade. These episodes of pain can last for around a couple of minutes to several hours. The pain feels like a stabbing or squeezing sensation, which is so severe that it can make you restless. 

Pain associated with gallbladder stones is usually felt on the lower side of the right section of the ribcage. In extreme cases, it can radiate to other areas as well, such as the shoulder and the back. Some people might experience it in the middle of the abdominal area or chest. 

Are You at Risk of Developing Gallbladder Stones?

There are certain factors that are known to increase the risk of developing gallbladder stones. These include:

  • Being overweight or obese, especially if you are a female

  • Having high estrogen levels in the body, which may be due to pregnancy, using contraceptive pills and undergoing hormone replacement therapy.
  • Being a female, as the risks are significantly higher as compared to men
  • If you are above 60 years of age
  • If you have been taking medications for managing cholesterol 
  • If you have lost a significant amount of weight in a short span of time

Why is it Important to See a Specialist?

Many people with gallbladder stones do not need any treatment, however, in some cases, it can give rise to serious health complications that call for the need for immediate medical intervention. These include biliary colic, gallbladder inflammation, jaundice, pancreatitis, cholangitis, liver infection, and in extreme and rare cases, cancer. 

How are Gallbladder Stones Diagnosed?

Experiencing any of the related symptoms does not necessarily suggest that you have gallbladder stones and it is important to go for proper medical assessment to confirm the diagnosis. Common diagnostic modalities used by experts include:

  • Assessment of medical history and evaluation of symptoms 
  • General tests like X-ray imaging
  • Imaging tests like endoscopy and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography
  • Hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid scan

Treatments Available for Gallbladder Stone

The treatments recommended for people with gallbladder stones vary depending on the size of the stones and the severity of the symptoms. These involve:

  • Dietary modifications like cutting down on the consumption of dairy products and lowering the intake of fatty foods.
  • Lithotripsy, for breaking the stones stuck in the bile duct using soundwaves
  • Medication for managing the symptoms and lowering risks of complications. 
  • Surgical removal of the gallbladder via conventional or laparoscopic techniques. 

To explore the best treatments available for gallbladder stones, consult the experts from the best hospital in India, today. 

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