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Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

Your Family's Future Starts with Frozen Embryo Transfer.
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Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

Surya Hospitals is cognizant of the breadth of your path towards motherhood. For individuals and couples looking to expand their family, our Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) technique is a heartfelt chance. One way that FET stands out is that it preserves embryos through freezing, offering a thoughtful and adaptable method of family planning. In contrast to traditional IVF, frozen embryos can be thawed with FET at a time that best suits your choices and particular situation. This gentle procedure, done during a medicated or natural cycle, puts your emotional health first and increases the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy. At Surya Hospitals, we're dedicated to providing you with individualized care as we walk you through this life-changing experience, giving you hope and encouragement along the way.

A Journey in Freeze Frames: Your Fertility On Your Terms.

What is Frozen Embryo Transfer?

The assisted reproductive technology process known as frozen embryo transfer (FET) is often utilized in fertility treatments. In order to increase the likelihood of conception, it entails transferring previously frozen embryos into the uterus. This method has transformed the world of reproductive medicine and gives many infertility-stricken couples a ray of hope. Using embryos that have been cryopreserved (frozen) from an earlier in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycle is known as frozen embryo transfer. These embryos are kept viable until they are ready for transfer in specialized tanks at extremely low temperatures. FET lessens the physical, emotional, and financial load by allowing couples to attempt numerous embryo transfers without the need for subsequent IVF treatments.

Who needs it?

Surya Hospitals recognizes the fact that the path to becoming pregnant is different for every couple, and our fertility specialists aim to provide individualised care by closely identifying elements including age, medical history, and prior fertility treatments. The following circumstances could justify the use of frozen embryo transfer:

What to expect during the procedure?

Patients undergoing fertility treatments benefit from the supportive environment provided by the Surya’s staff members' well-known compassion and empathy. There are some actions that must be taken in order to get ready for a frozen embryo transfer:

What are the benefits of Frozen Embryo Transfer?

The benefits of frozen embryo transfer are as follows:

Frequently Asked Questions

Why go with FET?

FET gives you freedom in family planning by letting you decide when to transfer embryos. Couples or individuals who wish to spread out their fertility treatments or who need to postpone implantation for medical reasons can particularly benefit from it.

How well does FET work?

While success rates differ, FET and fresh embryo transfers have similar success rates. The age of the woman, the quality of the embryos, and the general state of the uterus are some of the variables that affect the likelihood of success.

How does the FET process work?

The frozen embryos are thawed, their viability evaluated, and then they are implanted into the uterus during a medication- or naturally occurring cycle. The process doesn't need ovarian surgery and is less invasive.

Are there any dangers connected to FET?

FET is usually a low-risk surgery that is safe. There is a remote possibility, nevertheless, that the embryos won't make it through the thawing process. Based on your unique circumstances, a fertility specialist will go over possible risks and benefits 

Is the cost of FET lower than that of a fresh Embryo Transfer?

Since FET does not require an entire IVF cycle, it may be more affordable. It lowers some of the associated treatment expenses by permitting the use of frozen embryos from an earlier round.

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