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LAH | Laser Assisted Hatching LAH | Laser Assisted Hatching

LAH | Laser Assisted Hatching

Precision in Parenthood: LAH, a Gentle Touch for New Beginnings.
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LAH | Laser Assisted Hatching

In the world of assisted reproductive technologies, laser-aided hatching is a delicate touch that maximizes your chances of a healthy pregnancy. The precise use of laser technology in this patient-friendly treatment makes a tiny opening in the embryo's outer shell, which facilitates a more seamless implantation process. Laser Assisted Hatching fosters the possibility for life to blossom, much like a fragile bud penetrating its protective shell. At Surya Hospitals, our knowledgeable staff is dedicated to giving you individualized treatment, making sure that every step you take toward starting a family is greeted with kindness and state-of-the-art equipment. Explore the possibilities of Laser Assisted Hatching, where skill and compassion are used to support life's delicate dance.

Breaking Barriers, Igniting Life: LAH by Surya, Where Miracles Happen

What is Laser Assisted Hatching?

Laser-assisted hatching (LAH) is one of the processes of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) that is used to increase the likelihood of embryo implantation. It entails the exact application of a laser beam to a small hole or opening in the embryo's zona pellucida (outer shell). LAH makes it easier for the embryo to implant itself into the uterine lining by weakening or breaching this protective barrier. 

Who needs it?

There are some circumstances where laser-assisted hatching may be advised by our fertility experts, including:

What to expect during the procedure?

In order to maximise the procedure's efficiency, it's crucial to precisely adhere to these directions. Before the LAH you could be told to:

Surya Hospitals' Department of Fertility and Preservation offers a safe and efficient method of laser-assisted hatching (LAH) in order to increase the likelihood of successful embryo implantation during IVF.

What are the benefits of LAH?

For those undergoing IVF, laser-assisted hatching has various benefits, including:

Frequently Asked Questions

Why LAH is suggested?

In some circumstances, LAH is advised to help the embryo break through its protective shell. This is especially advantageous for embryos that have a thicker zona pellucida. The goal of this process is to increase the likelihood that an embryo will successfully implant into the uterus.

How is LAH operated?

To facilitate easier embryo hatching during LAH, a precise aperture in the zona pellucida is created using a focused laser beam. With extreme accuracy, this regulated procedure is carried out to reduce any possible risk to the embryo.

Is LAH appropriate for all IVF patients?

Not every IVF instance requires LAH. Usually, it is advised in light of specific circumstances, including a high zona pellucida, an older mother, or a history of failed IVF rounds. Your fertility specialist will decide if LAH is appropriate for your particular circumstances.

Does LAH ensure a successful pregnancy outcome?

Although LAH can improve the environment for embryo implantation, successful pregnancy is not guaranteed. Success rates are influenced by a number of variables, including the general health of the embryos and the unique traits of the patient or couple receiving therapy.

Is the LAH process safe?

LAH procedures are regarded as safe and minimally invasive procedures. By enabling precise control, laser technology reduces any possible risk to the developing embryo. Based on your particular circumstances, your fertility specialist will go over the possible risks and benefits with you.

Still have questions?

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