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To curate your journey to better health in the most seamless and effective way, we bring together a team of highly skilled and experienced doctors. Meet our team.

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Best Oncologists in Pune

Surya Hospital

Dr. Sandeep Bartakke

Pediatric Hematology & Immunology
  • MD
  • MRCPCh (UK)
  • Fellowship in Pediatric Hematology-Oncology (Canada)
Surya Hospital

Dr. Gajanan Kanitkar

Oncology Surgical (Adult)
  • MBBS
  • MS (General Surgery)
  • MCH (Surgical Oncology)
Surya Hospital

Dr. Reshma Puranik

Oncology Surgical (Adult)
  • MBBS
  • MD
  • DNB (Internal Medicine)
  • DM
  • DNB (Medical Oncology)
  • European Society Certified Medical Oncologist (ECMO)

The Surya Hospitals Cancer Care Facility is home to the best oncologists. They endeavor to deliver comprehensive, and patient-centered care to cancer patients. Their comprehensive approach, advanced treatment choices, and supportive care services guarantee that the patients receive the best possible care at every stage of their cancer journey. The cancer experts at Surya Hospitals seamlessly strive to offer thorough and compassionate care to the patients. They are well-versed with the wide range of surgical techniques and interventions available for managing cancer. They are building the greatest standard of cancer care by utilizing cutting-edge technology for added precision and safety.

Still have questions?

Your health journey is unique, and so are your questions. If you still have enquiries or need clarification about any aspect of our healthcare services, connect with us. At Surya Hospitals, your peace of mind matters.

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Surya Hospital