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Meet the Miracle Triplets

Meet the Miracle Triplets

Deora and his wife Madhu were married for 17 years. Despite all attempts, they were unable to conceive naturally. Fortunately, their IVF was a success and they conceived not 1 but 3 babies, 2 boys and a girl, the miracle triplets as we call them. 
In such cases, preterm birth is very common and their babies too were born 13 weeks prematurely, weighing just 810 gms, 910 gms and 1.100 gms at the time of birth. Madhu went into labour during the 27th week of her pregnancy due to which an emergency C-section was perfomed after careful consideration. 
Just like most other preterm babies, the miracle triplets also presented with certain complications including respiratory distress, low haemoglobin content, infection and retinopathy. It was found that the lungs of the babies were underdeveloped and not capable of supporting healthy respiration. Our experts had to use surfactant to open up their lungs and help them bleed. Several blood assessments were done from time to time to ensure there were no complications. Laser therapy was performed to treat retinopathy. 
While one of the babies was discharged a little early, the other two had to spend a few more days at Surya Hospital. All three of them are doing good and leading their lives like any other child of their age. 

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