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Meet Rohan

Meet Rohan

Advanced therapy gives a new breath of life to a baby with breathing difficulties

Soon after Rohit was born, he presented with breathing difficulties. After a thorough assessment, doctors diagnosed him with meconium aspiration syndrome. The condition is marked by the ingestion of meconium and amniotic fluids by the baby while it’s still inside the womb.

The complex medical condition called for the need for expert medical intervention. He was brought to Surya Hospital in a critical condition. Without wasting any time, our experts decided to go for nitric oxide therapy. Soon after the treatment was started, Rohan’s pulmonary arteries began to dilate and there was a gradual decline in arterial pressure.

Meconium aspiration syndrome is a very common condition and Surya Hospital is one of the few Hospitals in the country that offer nitric oxide therapy for treating the condition. 

Rohan was discharged from the hospital in good health without any complications. 

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