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Staff Nurse

Department : Nursing

Job Title : Staff Nurse

Report to whom : DMS/CNO/DCNO

Exp: 1 Yr+

Qualification: Nursing/GNM

Job Responsibilities

  • To assess the needs of the patients in the ward and make nursing care plan for all patients consulting with ward sister.
  • To give direct patient care (bed making, changing of bed sheets, mouth care, back care, bed bathing, hair wash, changing of position etc) and allotted care to him/her by the ward sister.
  • To fulfill all basic needs (hygienic need, nutritional need etc) of the patients.
  • To provide comfort to the patient and maintain safety of the patient.
  • To take over the charge from duty nurse of previous shift, regarding patients (bed to bed), instrument supplies, drugs etc. and handed over the same to the next shift.
  • To ensure to make the ward clean and tidy including bed.
  • To orient the new patient with ward.
  • To keep a sub stock of drugs, linen and other supplies for ward maintenance.
  • To indent drugs, diet, and other supplies if necessary.
  • To make round with doctors and senior nursing officers.


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